Risky Business???
Did you know that our church requires us to develop a safety plan for all of our church events and activities, from our weekly worship services to our Bible studies, our senior’s outings and our children’s and youth programs, our working bees, community events and our camps….. Yes, all the many programs and activities which form part of our mission and ministry must have a safety plan, which includes identifying and appropriately managing risks.
We do this to help us carry out our duty of care for all church employees, leaders, volunteers and visitors, to protect our people, property and reputation, and as part of being good stewards of all the things with which the Lord has entrusted us.
Additionally, we have responsibilities under Occupational Health and Safety legislation and Child Safe Standards.
Proverbs 27:12 says, ‘The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty’. Risk management is being prudent and doing our best to see and assess the risks and take action so we can reduce or avoid paying the consequences.
Those of you who have completed Safe Church Training will be familiar with the our Safety Management System which assists us to manage safety in an intentional and structured way.
We have the LCA Risk Management Policy which provides guidelines for our church, and now, Lutheran Insurance has provided a very useful resource, “Risk Management Guide for Churches.” This document is a wealth of information and resources to help us in the very necessary task of risk management. It supports and endorses the work of congregations and church agencies in this area.
I recommend the document to you, and thank Lutheran Insurance for making this resource available for our use.
Download the guide and other resources at: www.lca.org.au/risk-management