MAN UP – Lutheran Men of Victoria Camp, Halls Gap
On the weekend of the 11th-13th August 2023, 88 Lutheran men from across Australia met for the annual ‘Men Led by God’ camp in Halls Gap, Victoria. Having been unable to proceed with camp in 2022, it was both encouraging and uplifting to gather in such a large number to spend time in fellowship, worship, and study of the Word. We had the pleasure of hosting Pastor Jeffrey Hemmer (Assistant to the President – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Author of ‘Man Up’) as the study leader for the weekend, as well as Pastor Charles Ferry (Asia Regional Director – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) as a speaker. The theme ‘Man Up’ allowed for the exploration into the true definition of masculinity as established by Scripture; a masculinity that is not about rugged independence, but about sacrificial giving. It is a masculinity precedented by Christ who lays his life down for the Church, his bride.
Friday evening opened with an Aussie BBQ as men arrived from far and wide, allowing for a time of meeting old and new friends, and getting to know our American guests. This was followed by a presentation by Pastor Charles who informed us about the many different missionaries currently serving across Asia, and the diligent work they are doing in sharing the Gospel, teaching, and translating. He also assured us of the LCMS’ support for Lutheranism in Australia, outlining ways in which we can continue to grow in a relationship together and how they might be able to further support us in the future. The evening closed with a vespers service led by Pastor Shaun Manning which was sung unaccompanied. It was a blessing to be able to fill the space with male voices coming from many different locations across various age groups, gathering together as brothers in Christ.
After an early start on Saturday for breakfast and a devotion led by Luke Nuske, we proceeded into the official study sessions for the week. In the first two sessions, Pastor Jeffrey laid the foundation for biblical masculinity as living in the example and grace of Jesus, using our God given roles as men for the good of those around us. This included an interesting word study of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 showing where men fail, and a deep dive into the Genesis creation narrative exploring God’s good ordering and the three P’s of masculinity: protection, provision and procreation. This highlighted the male responsibility to care for others, sacrifice themselves for the ones they love, and act as providers for the family. The third session of the day focused on the Fall: how our eyes now turn selfishly towards ourselves, and as a result our society has moved from ‘Eden’ to the “City of the Same’. Tolerance is the highest virtue, and true masculinity has been denigrated to the point where everyone becomes an object and pleasure is the highest ideal. The good and ordered distinction between man and woman has been dissolved. Here, the Gospel offers a solution – before we have an example of masculinity in Jesus, we have a saviour. Where we are failures as men, Jesus comes to save failures. Pastor Jeffrey concluded the day with a final dive into Hebrews 2:5-18 – adequately titling the section ‘God down, man up’. Christ makes himself available as an advocate and defender, and he can be called upon for strength to resist temptation to sin, as he has resisted all temptation.
Saturday afternoon saw a group of men tackling the Boronia Peak hike, which was a good excuse to get out in the sun for some rigorous exercise and conversation. Those who were brave enough remained at camp to attempt the high ropes course and giant swing. There was also an opportunity to sit around the fire and chat, or play a game of 500. In the evening, we had the pleasure of hearing an interview with Pastor Shaun Manning, learning about his life story, conversion, and journey towards becoming a pastor in the LCA. After closing worship led by Pastor Carl Thiele, we shared in drinks and conversation into the late hours of the night.
On Sunday morning we gathered together in worship to receive from our Lord in Word and Sacrament. Pastor Jeffrey held a final study session offering a daily to-do list of prayer, loving, giving, and fighting, as well as some practical advice for everyday manliness. After eating a final lunch, it was time to say farewell and start making the journey home.
Many thanks to Pastors Jeffrey and Charles for making the trek Down Under to lead us in our studies, to the staff at Tandara for their catering and hospitality, to the Lutheran Men of Victoria for organising and facilitating the event, and to Creative Word Fellowship for their additional support.