Defence Forces Chaplaincy
The Lutheran Church of Australia have a long history of providing ordained ministry to the armed forces through Defence Force Chaplaincy. Rev Andrew Dockerill is currently serving as Chaplain to the Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.
Defence force chaplains are charged with promoting the emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing of the corps. In a practical way a defence force chaplain nurtures the living, honours the dead, and cares for the wounded. The chaplain assists members to gain insight into the meaning and purpose of life, critical to those who may be actively involved in confronting and violent situations. Defence force chaplains also provide pastoral care, critical incident support, including mental health support and suicide prevention, and provide a degree of support to family members too.
Another key area for an army chaplain is in conducting service including memorial services. Pictured at left is Pastor Andrew at the annual RAEME Remembrance service at the Craftsman Memorial on Gaza Ridge Barracks, South Bandiana, attended by many Veterans and currently serving ADF Personnel.
Pastor Andrew submitted a prayer point for this week’s District eNews; We ask for God’s hand in life at ASEME (Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) that He would raise up Godly men and women who act with integrity, diligence, and respect. And Father, help us to never glorify the act of war. Amen.