Social Trends and Mission Opportunities – free online event
Social Trends & Mission Opportunities – The Rise of Regional Australia, a yearning for the ‘local’ connection
(a free online event)
What’s happening in Australian Society as a result of Covid-19?
Pastors and Layworkers from across the district recently had an opportunity to hear a presentation from Pr. Brett on some likely future trends in Australia which were based on McCrindle research. Mark McCrindle heads up a social research company that is widely consulted for its insights into demographic trends in Australia.
Perhaps the two most interesting themes are a likely demographic re-location from cities to country areas, and a growing yearning on the part of many for a reconnection to the ‘local’. There is an emerging desire for local services, local connections and a sense of local community.
Pr. Brett is planning to present this material again for church workers and lay people who may be interested from across the district, with a Q and A as part of a one hour Zoom session.
This will be an opportunity for us to reflect on a key question: What mission opportunities might the Holy Spirit be presenting to us, both in the city and in the country, as a result of these trends?
To register interest please send an email to Kate Burke with the words “McCrindle Research Social Trends Presentation” in the subject line (or ‘reply’ to this email) – and a few brief words about your interest in the seminar in the email body by 1.00pm Tuesday 14th September. You will subsequently receive an invite to the Zoom session.
The date and time for this presentation is Wednesday 15th September, 7:30 – 8:30PM.