Meet the Two Mugs
Who are the Two Mugs?
We are Pastor John Weier (Warracknabeal) and Pastor Geoff Schefe (Horsham).
How did Two Mugs come about?
Pr John was to lead one of the devotional worship services at Continuing Education for Pastors (CEP) in April 2018. Between us we decided that we wanted to ‘do something different’. We brewed an idea to have a conversational look at the chosen text which was Psalm 42. The positive feedback from that experience emboldened us to consider doing more messages in that style. We even talked about getting technical and doing some kind of recording.
Why the name, Two Mugs?
John and I are both coffee fanatics, and not just your undersized latté either, it has to be mug sized!
How long have we been doing Two Mugs?
We began very rudimentary recordings for Advent in 2018. The first was done on John’s mobile phone in his echoey dining room. We soon realized that we had to investigate better technology, mainly based on helpful critical reviews from several friendly, faithful friends. So we up-scaled technology with better cameras, better microphones and better lighting. And we got better at what we were doing, becoming much more comfortable in our overall aim, which is to bring the Word of God to people in a relaxed, conversational way. We were even asked to give a live example of our work, leading the opening service of the LWV (Lutheran Women of Victoria) Wimmera-Mallee zone rally in 2019, discussing ‘Treasures in Clay Jars’ (2 Corinthians 4).
The COVID-19 restrictions on public worship provided an ideal avenue for us to use technology like YouTube to spread the Gospel message and remind people that church buildings were shut, but the work of The Church continues – undaunted.
Along the way we have developed such a rapport we are like brothers. One begins a sentence or idea and the other finishes it.
The most enjoyable thing about doing Two Mugs?
We laugh – a lot – and laughter is good. I believe we both enjoy that brotherly gift of being able to ‘bounce things off each other’ and come up with the same conclusions. We seem to think on very similar wavelengths. And did I mention that we laugh a lot?
We have both found that our time together has proved psychologically therapeutic. We have sometimes met up feeling a bit down but have invariably finished our planning or recording session on a high. Oh, and we laugh a lot!
Can we, will we continue if/when my call to New Zealand becomes a reality?
Our intention is to get even more techy and continue – when and how we are able.
God is good – He will make a way.
By Pastors John Weier and Geoff Schefe – Two Mugs Productions.
You can find the most recent Two Mugs video at